Caroline Foster ~ Astronomy Researcher & Senior Lecturer
I am interested in how galaxies form and evolve.
Sydney, Australia (born in Quebec, Canada)
University of New South Wales
Key strengths: critical thinking, logic, resilience
Key passions: astrophysics & cosmology, social justice, diversity
There are many aspects of human life that unite us to one another. The vulnerability of economies to seemingly far-away conflicts and climate change (to name but two examples) have made the interconnectedness of humanity very tangible in recent years. Our fate is connected to that of our planet and of its many living beings. More than ever, local policy choices transcend political sovereign borders and individual properties, highlighting the importance of global cooperation in addressing many important challenges for the good of all.
Astronomy too transcends cultures, borders and time. Ancient caves with drawn maps of the night sky dating 10s of 1000s of year bear witness to the importance of astronomy to early humans. The night sky is accessible to all, making astronomy universally relatable. It is a fun avenue for introducing the scientific method and highlighting the importance of critical thinking: an essential asset for a freethinking society. Technological advances brought on through critical thinking and scientific literacy save lives and help us tackle previously intractable problems. As a global citizen, I hope spreading scientific literacy and training the next generation will be my life’s contribution to the wellbeing of society.
I hope for a future where policies are decided for the long-term wellbeing of the many rather than the comfort of the few.
“[…] it is astronomy which has made us a soul capable of comprehending nature; that under heavens always overcast and starless, the earth itself would have been for us eternally unintelligible; that we should there have seen only caprice and disorder […]”. – Henri Poincaré in The value of Science