Monique Borcard-Sacco Psychologist and Mindful Self Compassion Teacher
Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Rumi
Lausanne, Switzerland
Key Passions:
Positive Psychology – Self Compassion – Sense of Belonging
Key Strengths :
Love of learning, Enthusiasm, Love for Life on Earth
Grateful for the research done by Professor Paul Gilbert, Profs Kristin Neff, Christopher Germer and Prof. Jon Kabat-Zinn, I teach and spread mindfulness competencies as well as taming new habits of self kindness and self compassion. Supporting our inner experience for savouring life when things go well (and it is indeed normal that this is not so frequently the case) and showing our resilience when things go wrong. A huge thanks to Pema Chödrön for her books and humour about all of the human vulnerabilities with which we all have to compose.
The Wellbeing Systems Science Coalition speaks to my heart and thank you to Lisa, Antonella, Viivi, Diane and Kamlesh for your initiative and to you for participating. Among you I find myself full of curiosity for building the new world of M(e)We initiated by Professor Daniel J. Siegel. I exist with my unicity in this group and we connect deeply accross our personal, cultural differencies. We activate within ourselves and in our group the most important among human and life values.
We spread hope. You cannot buy hope. In present times we need to go deep inside us to build our inner compass for hope. I trust that our individual compasses will align with the polar star of what it means to contribute in this millennium. A time for integration inside and outside, way above old categories like good/bad, correct/incorrect, right/wrong. Connecting to our planet with respect and to a level of consciousness above individualities. Being of service to greater than ourselves: earth is greater than us, the milky way is greater. We can learn and teach to sense the love and beauty, feel it, live it and keep marveling in these times of chaos. Connecting to our heart, emotional security and ensuring security in our human relationships is what I wish to foster. All else will align.